Janssen Spinet Piano | Used
Used Janssen Spinet Piano manufactured 1959. Jansen piano are well known for association with CONN musical instruments and the Charles Walter piano company. Great touch, tone and timbre, good example of an all around affordable spinet, designed to no take up too much room.
Because of their original cost cutting design, spinet pianos allowed nearly every home in America to be able to afford a piano. This is a perfect piano for ANY musician, recording and performing professionals, amateurs or beginners, teachers or students. Well known musicians, like Nat King Cole, often performed on TV with a spinet piano because the camera showed more person the piano. The overall presentation is professional in tone, appearance and performance. This is a home model in medium satin walnut finish.
Complete package qualifies for financing and includes a matching bench. Delivery and/or service fees vary and are based off of location and logistics. For more information on delivery and service fees, please contact Alamo Music Center for a quote. Delivery and service promotions applicable at times. Extended warranty plans are also available.